títulos del autor: matthew locke

6 resultados

  • Locke, For several Friends, 54 Duos for Treble and Bass Viol or other Instruments,
    LOCKE, Matthew (1621 - 1677)
    DescriptionMatthew Locke's For several Friends is a collection of 54 two-part movements such as Fantazie, Pavan, Ayre, Courante, Saraband, Jigg for a high and a low instrument. It has survived in a collective manuscript with consort music, which also contains Locke's well-known duos for two bass viols. It is therefore reasonable to understand the present pieces as duos for treb...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    23,80 €

  • Locke. Chamber music II
    LOCKE, Matthew
    Edited by Michael TilmouthFirst published in 1972, reprinted with corrections 1977. ...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    109,00 €

  • Locke. Duos for two Basse-Violls, 1652.
    LOCKE, Matthew (1621 / 22-1677)
    In these melodic and not very difficult viol duos by the well known English composer Matthew Locke, both voices are absolutely equal. They use the whole compass of the bass viol. The duos are since a long time part of the standard repertoire of all gambists. In our new edition, we have followed the autograph in the British Library very closely. ...
    20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

    16,80 €

  • Locke. For several friends. 54 Duos für Diskant- und Bassgambe oder andere Instrumente
    LOCKE, Matthew (1621 - 1677)
    DescriptionMatthew Locke's For several Friends is a collection of 54 two-part movements such as Fantazie, Pavan, Ayre, Courante, Saraband, Jigg for a high and a low instrument. It has survived in a collective manuscript with consort music, which also contains Locke's well-known duos for two bass viols. It is therefore reasonable to understand the present pieces as duos for treb...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    23,80 €

  • Locke. Melothesia: or, Certain General RULES for Playing upon a Continued-Bass
    LOCKE, Matthew
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    28,70 €

  • Musicks Hand-maid. [Part I]
    Albertus Bryne / John Jackson / William Lawes / Matthew Locke / Davis Mell / John Moss / F Prat / Benjamin Sandley
    Includes Instructions for learners and The tunes of Psalms.London : J. Playford, 1678. ...
    disponible. Sólo 1 en stock

    23,80 €