4 Faksimiles
Claves signatae
Explication unterschiedlicher Zeichen
Applicatio, BWV 994
Praeambulum 1 BWV 924
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 691
Praeludium 2 BWV 926
Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 753
Allemande 1 BWV 836
Allemande 2 BWV 837
Praeambulum BWV 927
Praeambulum BWV 930
Praeludium BWV 928
Menuet 1 BWV 841
Menuet 2 BWV 842
Menuet 3 BWV 843
"Praeludien aus ""Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I"" (veränderte Fassungen): BWV 846a-851, 853-857"
Pièce pour Clavecin, composée par J. C. Richter- Praeludium ex c BWV 924a
Praeludium ex d BWV 925
Praeludium ex eBWV 932
Praeludium BWV 931
Bass-Skizze in g-moll BWV fehlt
Fuga à3 BWV 953
Praeambulum 1-15 (Zweistimmige Inventionen) BWV 772-786
Suite A-dur von G.Ph. Telemann, BWV 824
Partita di Signore Steltzeln(mit Menuet-Trio BWB 929)
Fantasia 1-15 (Dreistimmige Sinfonien) BWV787-801
The "Notebook for Wilhelm Friedemann" is a compilation of pieces for keyboard instrument by Johann Sebastian Bach for his eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann. Among the pieces are earlier versions that later became part of the collections The Well-Tempered Clavier and Inventions and Sinfonias" as well as individual compositions.