Baeté. The Natural Violist.

Baeté. The Natural Violist.

15 essential exercises for the Viol.

BAETÉ, Thomas

21,80 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido
Viola de gamba
21,80 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

15 essential exercises for the Viol, design and illustrations by Bram Ollieuz. The Natural Violist is a stunning little book (in English), that by its beauty and clarity, tries to seduce viol players to keep building and strengthening their basic techniques. Each of the 15 chapters presents one specific technical aspect of viol playing by means of a simple exercise, followed by variations that become gradually more and more challenging. What makes this exercise book extra compelling is the way graphic designer Bram Ollieuz crafted a precious, tasteful look and feel that brings the practicing mind to a place of concentration, patience and curiosity. Included in the book is a QR code that sends users to a website, where they can see the author himself perform every exercise.

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