Elizabethan Keyboard music

Elizabethan Keyboard music


130,00 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido
130,00 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

Composer Title
Anon Aeterne Rex Altissime
Anon Alman [in G]
Anon Alman [in g]
Anon Galliard [in C]
Anon Galliard [in G]
Anon Jig [in F]
Anon Lavecchia Galliard
Anon Lavecchia Pavan
Anon Miserere
Anon, set by? New Medley
Anon Pavan [in a]
Anon Pavan [in d]
Anon Pavan [in G]
Anon [Prelude?] (fragment)
Anon Prelude [in G]
Anon Quadran Galliard (No. 9b in volume)
Anon Quadran Galliard (No. 23 in volume)
Anon Quadran Pavan
Anon Rogero
Anon Si je me plains
Anon [Toy] [in G]
Anon Watkin’s Ale
Anon [John Bull] Why ask you
BICKERLLS Pavan [in a]
[BYRD, William ?] Alman [in C]
BYRD, William, set by? Care for thy soul
BYRD, William Fantasia [in g]
BYRD, William [?] Galliard [in C]
BYRD, William, set by? If that a sinner’s sighs
BYRD, William, set by? Lullaby, my sweet little baby
BYRD, William [?] Miserere mei Deus
BYRD, William, set by? My mind to me a kingdom is
BYRD, William, set by? O God, but God
BYRD, William O quam gloriosum est regnum
BYRD, William [?] Pavan [in C]
[BYRD, William ?] Prelude [in F]
[BYRD, William ?] Prelude [in G]
BYRD, William, set by? Susanna fair
DOWLAND, John set by? If my complaints or Piper’s Galliard
DOWLAND, John set by? Lachrymae Pavan
DOWLAND, John set by? Lady Layton’s Alman
FERRABOSCO I, Alfonso Fantasia [in g]
HARDING, James Fantasia I [in d]
HARDING, James Fantasia II [in d]
HOLBORNE, Anthony, set by? Galliard: The Queen’s New Year’s Gift
INGLOTT [William] Pavan [in G]
JOHNSON, [John], set by? Flat Pavan
JOHNSON, [John], set by? Johnson’s Medley
KINLOCH, [William] Galliard [in G]
KINLOCH, [William] Pavan [in G]
LASSUS de, Orlande, set by? Susanne un jour
MARCHANT, [John] Galliard [in G]
MARCHANT, [John] Pavan [in G]
[MARCHANT, John] Marchant’s Dream
MORLEY, Thomas Alman [in C]
MORLEY, Thomas Galliard [in G]
MORLEY, Thomas Quadran Pavan
PARADISO, Renaldo Fantasia [in g]
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Alman [in G]
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Galliard [in a]
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Galliard [in d]
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Pavan [in a]
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Pavan [in d]
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Variatio [in d] (No. 14b in volume)
RICHARDSON, Ferdinand Variatio [in d] (No. 14d in volume)
WEELKES, Thomas Galliard [in d]
[WEELKES, Thomas ?] Ground [in G]
[WEELKES, Thomas ?] Rowland
[VAN WILDER], Philip Las que feray
[VAN WILDER], Philip Shall I despair

Edited by Alan Brown.
First published in 1989.

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