Frescobaldi. Fantasies (1608), Canzoni alla Francese (1645)

Frescobaldi. Fantasies (1608), Canzoni alla Francese (1645)

FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo (1583 - 1643)

31,50 €
IVA incluido
Frescobaldi. Organ and Keyboard works
31,50 €
IVA incluido

Fantasien 1608: Nr. 1-3 Sopra un sogetto
Nr. 4-6 Sopra doi sogetti
Nr. 7-9 Sopra trè sogetti
Nr. 10-12 Sopra quattro sogetti
Canzonen 1645: Nr. 1 detta La Rovetta
Nr. 2 detta La Sabbatina
Nr. 3 detta LaCrivelli
Nr. 4 detta La Scacchi
Nr. 5 detta La Bellerofonte
Nr. 6 detta La Pesenti
Nr. 7 detta La Tarditi
Nr. 8 detta La Vincenti
Nr.9 detta La Querina
Nr. 10 detta La Paulini
Nr. 11 detta La Gardana

Though the pieces are printed “in partitura”, that is with each of the four parts on a separate stave, they are nonetheless intended by the composer for a keyboard instrument.Thanks to the reliability of the printed edition, the transcription into modern notation (on two staves) could be achieved without special difficulty. In one place, however, where neither the first edition nor Pasquini’s copy make Frescobaldi’ s intentions sufficiently clear, the partitura is given as it is found in the model. The following are editorial additions: all accidentals printed small and off the stave, also the letters to denote the parts and the connecting strokes to elucidate the part-writing.

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