TELEMANN, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
Telemann, Georg Philipp:
Nouveaux Quatuors en Six Suites für Flöte, Violine, Viola da gamba oder Violoncello und Basso continuo "Pariser Quartette". Heft II
Paris 1738
4e Quatuor TWV 43: h2
5e Quatuor TWV 43: A3
6e Quatuor TWV 43: e4
Published with the title Nouveaux Quatuors en Six Suites by Le Clerc in Paris in 1738, these six pieces are suites with various sequences of movements, each introduced by a prelude.
Here Telemann shows himself committed to the French style. The works are of special interest not only for their high quality but also because of the variable scoring of the third part for viola da gamba or violoncello.
Flöte, Violine, Gambe oder Cello, Basso continuo.
Edición a cargo de Walter Bergmann.