DREYER, Johann Melchior (1747-1824)
Dreyer, Six Sonates Concertants, sonatas I-II
Johann Melchior Dreyer was a well-known organist, choir director, violinist, singer, and composer in Ellwangen (Northeastern Swabia). His numerous Masses and other sacred music works were published in Augsburg during his lifetime. Widely disseminated in Central Europeand beyond until the mid-nineteenth century, they were held in highregard. His chamber music works, on the other hand, were and are lesswell known. The present early Classical sonatas, which were composed in the 1780s, have a largely optimistic character, florid melodies,and harmonic lightness. The manuscript is held in a private collection.
Introduction: Günther Grünsteudel.
Source: manuscript from the AlfredLessing Collection (Düsseldorf), today Cello-Library Alfred Richter(Schweiz)