Handel. Concerto à Cembalo Solo con Viola di Gambe o Braccio in C-Dur

Handel. Concerto à Cembalo Solo con Viola di Gambe o Braccio in C-Dur

HANDEL, George Friedrich (1685-1759)

16,90 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido
Viola de gamba
16,90 €
IVA incluido
20-30 días a partir fecha de pedido

This Sonata in C major for viola da gamba or viola and obbligato harpsichord is one of the well known works for this instrumentation, in spite of the fact that its attribution to George Frederick Handel is considered uncertain. The slow movements of the piece are tuneful while the fast movements show a quite lively character, and the piece is extraordinary popular among performers and listeners. In our investigation of the authorship of this work we came across an interesting manuscript in the Lund University which is relatively unknown, and which we used as a base for our edition. In this manuscript and thus in our edition the work has the title “Concerto”.

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